Betty was very politically active in the Anti-Abortion movement, both locally & nationally and She served as President of "Oregon Right To Life". She also blazed a number of new trails; one of these was when she attended the very progressive 1977 "Oregon National Women's Conference" which was tied to the then popular Equal Rights Amendment movement of the 1970's. At the Women's Conference they addressed a number of contemporary women's issues, with the exception of two, which Betty called the organizers out for during their Q & A session. Betty said she had seen nearly every issue impacting American women discussed except for Religion and Rights of Unborn Women. This caused quite an upset, and the organizers begrudgingly allowed a womens religious group to form during the week-long conference.
Oregon Congressman Wendall Wyatt
Betty's Visitor's Pass for the United States Senate Chamber & House of Representatives, August 7, 1969
A Letter of recognition from the National Committee of Right to Life, on behalf of the Organizations President, Dr. Carolyn Gerster, commending Betty for the excellent political action work and her tireless efforts as the Leader of the Oregon Chapter of Right to Life.